August is Women’s Month in South Africa, a time to celebrate and acknowledge the very many incredible women in our lives and communities. At Thompsons Travel, we are so grateful to be surrounded by diverse women of all cultures and creeds, whether as team members, partners, clients, or fellow businesswomen.
We sat down with a broad spectrum of our team and asked them a few questions about what it’s like to be a woman in the workplace, and how they work towards achieving their goals and dreams.
How do you encourage resilience in the workplace?
Nelda Pillay (Corporate Consultant) – Promoting a positive outlook and constant encouragement helps with resilience, as we always have the knowledge of our greater achievements.
Marilize de Beer (Finance) – Don’t feel that no one understands what you are going through; there is always someone out there to help you and to guide you through the hardships. Keep your head high and you will conquer everything you set your mind to!
Mahlodi Sekgobela (Corporate Consultant) – Focus on your physical well-being, and practice good self-awareness.
Tazlin Stavrinou (Corporate Consultant) – Start each day as a new beginning and keep a healthy lifestyle, exercise is great!
Chantal Kliche (Coastal Manager) – Persevere with a positive mindset, morning meditation and accept each day with gratitude.
Sharon Leong (CEO) – Part of being a leader is having the ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses within your team members and help empower them to overcome these. It is only through a strong supportive system offered through management and colleagues that this can be achieved.
Sheni Veloo (Project Manager) – I believe that you need a balance with home life and work life. A good way is taking time out for yourself and find a hobby that makes you happy. Doing this at least once or twice a week helps your mindset and brings positivity to your life.
Lizette Titus (Finance) – Embrace healthy thinking and a positive mindset – this helps keep things in perspective and encourages me to see curveballs as a learning experience and an opportunity for growth.
Melanie Hoock (Travel Consultant) – Encourage people to do their best to manage their stress levels.
How do you overcome obstacles and stay on track towards your goals?
Sharon Leong (CEO) – Firstly focus on the positive. A strong mindset is key while surrounding yourself with people who can add value in their suggestions and ideas.
Mahlodi Sekgobela (Corporate Consultant) – I set accountable goals and revise them as needed. I see obstacles as learning opportunities.
Roselyn Veerapen (Administrative Officer) – Praying and learning from every experience. Not letting a negative situation keep me down but picking myself up and moving forward.
Mary Shilleto (Director) – Stay focused, prioritise what is important. Do not sweat the small stuff!
Priti Ramkissoon (COO) – I am a LIST-person. I constantly keep a list of goals on my mobile phone and refer to it on a daily/weekly and monthly basis. Once I have reached my goal, I insert a large green TICK to celebrate!
Chantal Kliche (Coastal Manager) – Maintain a healthy, positive perspective and balance whilst continually looking for an opportunity in each obstacle. Never give up and persevere towards your goal, even if it’s in baby steps!
Patricia Kinnear (HR Manager) – Persisting with and focusing on achieving objectives even in difficult circumstances. Remaining positive and optimistic. Monitoring your own emotional reactions and remaining controlled. Continuing to move forward, sustaining effort despite criticism or setbacks.
What is the kindest gesture that you’ve experienced in the workplace?
Lizette Titus (Finance) – I’m pleased to be part of a team where I experience acts of kindness on a daily basis. Whether it is a word of encouragement, support, or guidance.
Sharon Leong (CEO) – Compliments from valued clients always bring warmth to oneself. We are in a client-centric industry which can be unforgiving at times. These acknowledgments of excellence form part of the barometer we constantly aim to achieve.
Priti Ramkissoon (COO) – I am privileged to be part of a work-family who care about each other. The gestures range from someone making a cup of tea/coffee for me on a random day to receiving a thank you hug or email. That’s good enough for me!
Bukiwe Maliti (Reception) – Have a meaningful conversation and smile!
Nelda Pillay (Travel Agent) – It’s not a once off incident but the ever-present support, with work and emotionally from my colleagues.
Mary Shilleto (Director) – That the smallest gesture of recognition goes a long way in team members feeling valued.
Marilize de Beer (Finance) – The kindest gesture is the little things I receive when decorating the office for someone’s birthday or going the extra mile in my work. It is all the “Thank You’s” I receive and all the hugs.
From all of us at Thompsons Travel, we wish you a very happy Women’s Month!